Market Research and Strategy Services.

Advertising Performance.

You need to understand the impact of your advertising. You need to be sure that you’re making smart decisions for your brand.

Veracity can conduct creative territory and concept testing, pre, and post-campaign testing, and brand tracking. We understand the multiplier effect of creative ideas, so we don’t just answer the ‘what’, we also look for the ‘why’.

  • Audience insights

  • Creative territories and concept testing

  • Campaign impact measurement

Insight Revelation.

You might already have a mountain of data and research. Plus, there is no shortage of cultural trends, consumer trends, and industry trends papers available. What you need is someone to find the “ah-ha!” in your mountain of “oh-no”.

  • Data analysis of new and existing data and reports

  • Strategic analysis and thinking

  • Focus groups

  • Ethnographic research

  • Cultural influences

Marketing Effectiveness.

Marketers often have an instinct for what’s working for them, but don’t always have the evidence or the time to find the answers. Veracity can help identify the metrics that matter for you, dive into the answers, and establish ongoing measurement and effectiveness tracking.

  • Key metrics mapping and measurement including ROI

  • Purchase Intent

  • Brand health tracking

  • Brand messaging and perceptions

  • Engagement tracking

Brand Development.

A great brand articulation reveals the truth that’s already there. When revealed, it hits you with an “oof“ and you can feel the tingle of opportunity.

We can articulate new brands or rejuvenate existing brands. We make it easy to understand and easy for your whole business to implement.

  • Persona creation

  • Brand positioning

  • Brand portfolio frameworks

  • Brand workshops

Marketing and Advertising Strategy.

A great strategy gives you an unfair advantage. It’s about winning, with smarts. It’s how you can get the most out of what you’ve got.

We connect strategies to execution with value propositions, plans, and tactics.

  • Marketing strategy workshops

  • Marketing tactics prioritization

  • Marketing plans

  • Customer Value Propositions

  • Pricing and range studies

  • Innovation testing

Customer Experience.

Knowledge is powerful. When you understand what your customers experience, and why they’re buying (or not), then you have a chance to make a difference to you and them.

We can map the customer journey and bridge the silos in your business to develop smart customer experience strategies and plans.

  • Customer journey mapping

  • Ethnographic and shop-along research